RM of Taché | Lorette Ponds | Retention Pond

RM of Taché | Lorette Ponds | Retention Pond

In 2014 and 2015, the homeowners of Lorette, Manitoba were unhappy about the state of three of their ponds. Excessive algae growth and a foul odour in late summer displeased residents enough to initiate change. In early 2016, Andy Brandt, Public Works Manager for the...
RM of Springfield | Wheatland Pond (Dugald) | Retention Pond

RM of Springfield | Wheatland Pond (Dugald) | Retention Pond

Upon our assessment, we found this shallow pond to be quite eutrophic and covered in duckweed and algae. Dissolved oxygen levels were very low, and it had little life in it. As electricity was not available until late fall, we began treating this pond with just...

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