Our fishery lake management strategies include aeration, stocking, harvest, habitat manipulation, feeding programs, water quality improvements, and complete renovations.
Creating the perfect fishery uses various natural and artificial materials to accomplish this work. Different fish species often require varying habitat types for various life history strategies, including feeding, foraging, and concealment.
Our water experts specialize in the development and installation of aeration systems made just for lakes. To aerate water in a lake, we will need to assess the aeration site to begin the design process and determine the aeration size and location to ensure the health of the fish.

Fish Habitat Assessment
Clean Water Pro conducts fish habitat assessments to determine what fish species can best thrive based on their structure and food source.
This includes bathymetric mapping, aquatic identification, riparian, invertebrates, and water chemistry. Each species of fish has specific requirements not only to survive but also grow and reproduce.
Our team of fish experts will assess your current fish habitat situation with a list of detailed recommendations. This environmental consulting helps to select suitable types and amounts of fish, which is one of the most crucial components of establishing a great fishery.

Fishery Lake Custom Aeration Design, Installation, and Maintenance
Aerated water creates a healthy ecosystem through increased dissolved oxygen, which attracts many invertebrates, fish, and natural life. Water aeration is also used in lakes to overwinter fish including trout and other species and prevents ice from forming in the area above the diffuser plate, even in -40C weather. Our water experts specialize in the development and installation of aeration systems made just for lakes. We will need to assess the aeration site to begin the design process and determine the aeration size and location. This ensures we maintain the health of the fish.

Water Quality Testing
To truly understand a pond or lake, it is essential to conduct comprehensive water analyses to accurately determine the water body’s condition. Our water experts will collect and analyze samples from several sites in and around the water body to reveal the mysteries within the pond or lake. Regular water quality testing is a critical part of our maintenance programs. One-time testing doesn’t provide a complete picture of what is taking place in the pond or lake. Looking at the changes that occur over a long period provides us with more in-depth knowledge of water bodies, as every pond or lake is unique.
Our water quality testing includes a water chemistry profile, algae identification, water quality, and more!

Full-Service Fishery Lake Management
Full-service fishery lake management includes an evaluation of the lake, all necessary water assessments to understand the composition of the lake, a customized treatment plan for desired outcomes, water treatments that our field staff will apply in accordance to the treatment plan, and comprehensive physical and chemical reports, so you know exactly what stage the lake is in. Our water experts will perform each service every step of the way.
This service includes fish habitat assessment, custom large lake aeration, and water quality testing. This gold standard service ensures effective outcomes in a timely matter!

Expected Outcomes
Improved water quality
Improved water clarity
Healthier fish
Enhanced riparian zone
Visually appealing
Decreased algae
Decreased duckweed
Decreased aquatic growth
Decreased erosion
Reduced odour
Reduced muck
Improved biodiversity and ecosystem
Naturally deter geese
Positive environmental impact — healthier water leaving the system