Why Copper Sulphate / Bluestone Should Be Avoided
What is Copper Sulphate / Bluestone? Copper sulphate, or Bluestone, is a very toxic, odourless, crystalline, blue substance. In a production setting, sulphate of copper is produced by heating copper...

Zooplankton: What Are They? How Do They Affect Water Bodies?
What Are Zooplankton? Zooplankton—sometimes referred to as micro-organisms—are a critical piece of the aquatic ecosystem. They are tiny organisms that float through the ocean or freshwater habitats...

Environmental Impact Assessments: What Are They Used For?
What Are Environmental Impact Assessments? Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) are assessments of the potential environmental impacts of proposed development projects, such as constructing a new...

Lake Management: What is it?
What is a Lake Management? Lake management manages a lake's resources and environment to maximize its capabilities and potential. It involves various activities, such as water quality monitoring,...

Stagnant Water In Dugout Ponds, Retention Ponds, And Lakes
How Does Stagnant Water Affect Dugout Ponds, Retention Ponds, and Lakes?Everyone loves fresh, clean water, right? But what if the water of your favourite lake or pond is not as it should be?...

Thermocline: What Is It? How Does It Affect Your Pond, Lake, and Fish?
How Does Thermocline Affect Your Pond, Lake, and Fish?Water is essential for all of the life we know. Our earth has water on top of the solid rock, which makes our planet habitable. The transition...

What is Winter Fish Kill? How Can You Prevent Fish Kill?
Fish mortality that occurs in winter is often known as winterkill. Winterkill is the most common type of fish kill because fish need oxygen to survive, but the dissolved oxygen levels within the water are depleted.

Pond Owners: Eutrophication Can Destroy Your Water Quality
How Does Eutrophication Affect Dugout Ponds, Retention Ponds, and Lakes? The eutrophication of ponds is the process by which excess nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, cause algae to grow in...

Do You Manage a Pond or Lake That Could Look and Smell Better?
Is Your Pond Unsightly or Odorous? It sounds like you may be aware of a stagnant water body. Algae, aquatic weed growth, and noticeable muck levels at and near the shoreline are characteristics of...

Wastewater Lagoon Sludge Reduction: Prevent Dredging Costs and Save Thousands
Why should rural municipalities be concerned about the sludge levels in their sewage lagoons?Many towns have outgrown the capacity of their current sewage lagoon — communities with recent population...